The Research Paper: Making the Introduction

The Research Paper: Making the Introduction

As the initial portion of the research paper, the introduction presents the background information about what your audience is about to read. Although it does not answer your research question, it allows your readers to understand why you are making the paper in the first place. This is why it should be given the utmost attention.

If you are about to create the introduction for your paper, read on to learn how to do it.

  1. Presenting the background

Not everyone who reads your paper is an expert in the field. In fact, some readers may belong to a different field but may be interested in what you have done because of your methodology or the sample population you chose. Thus, the background must keep this in mind.

It is good to show the reader the root of your paper’s problem by presenting what happened before and what the situation is like now. Sources from newspapers or magazines are often cited here to show that this is a real-life concern.

  1. Emphasizing the significance

Another part of the intro mentions the significance of the paper. This is where the affected parties are cited, such as affected students or employees, school or government officials, and even other researchers. It is a direct way of saying, “Study this research paper well because it is meant for you.”

  1. Defining the terms

Your paper will be using several keywords that may have different meanings, depending upon who views the terms. So it is important to define the key terms of your paper to make things clearer for the reader. For example, for the term SCHOOL, this could mean any of the current levels today. So if your paper is analyzing graduate school students, then “school” for your paper is only referring to graduate school.

  1. Limiting the scope

Most problems have multiple variables involved. Upon reading the first few paragraphs of your paper, including the title, the reader may think your paper aims to tackle everything. Thus, this part of the introduction will provide the limitations of what you are doing. This explanation should be made clear at the start so that your audience does not begin to question your methods.

  1. Stating the thesis

Towards the end of the introduction, you will state the thesis. This is the position you have taken up regarding the problem. It can be for or against it, or it may be an idea of how two or more things relate to one another.

The wording of your thesis statement is very important. It must not be ambiguous, meaning the reader will not be confused about what you are trying to say. It must also not be too broad, or you may not be able to finish your project.


Those were some of the main areas of a research paper’s introduction. Hopefully, these have been clarified for you, allowing you to create this essential section of your research paper. Happy writing!

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